Prepping the area
Here we are prepping the walls and getting them ready for the new System.

We're ready to begin
We will be breaking out the floor around the perimeter and installing our WaterGuard system.

So close to the finish line.
The floor is broken out and the crock is in. They are getting close to being able to finish the concrete work.

Ready for concrete
The WaterGuard and the pump are installed and just about ready to be finished up.

Breaking out the floor is not easy work
The floor is broke out and ready to have the WaterGuard put in.

Almost finished!
The WaterGuard has been laid and now we are ready for concrete.

Free of water
The basement is ready to be put back to the way it was only now it will be free of water.

SuperSump and UltraSump
The SuperSump and UltraSump are installed and ready to pump out any water that gets into the system.

New Concrete
Once this concrete cures, the floor will be as good as before.