Badger Basement Systems saves the customer's foundation wall and ultimately her home from collapsing in.
Serving Southern WI & Northern IL, Janesville, Rockford, Madison, Milwaukee
Badger Basement Systems saves the customer's foundation wall and ultimately her home from collapsing in.
When service technician Bill P went to a home in Elkhorn, he had no idea what an amazing person he...
We were so honored to have been chosen as a recipient of the 2018 BBB Torch Award for Ethics. ...
Badger Basement has helped over 40,000 homeowners find peace of mind in their homes, and that number keeps growing.
They are a special group and we are very happy that we could help bring smiles to their little faces!
As part of our "Give it Your All" program, we were happy to donate to Glenmary Home Missioners on behalf...
A Fort Atkinson company is among six family businesses honored at the 13th annual Wisconsin Family BusĀiness of the Year...
Badger Basement Systems Inc won the Friday night "C" league softball championship last week.
We recently accepted the award for the #2 Foundation SupportWorks Installation Dealer IN THE WORLD for the PowerBrace System!
Badger Basement Systems hosted the Fort Atkinson Fire Department & Rescue Squad for a training session to remember the tragic...
Post-drought rain has left many homeowners with water in their basements. Here's why.
We put it into perspective.
Whether on the job or in the office an emergency situation can arise - because of this Badger takes the...
Badger Basement Systems is again sponsoring the Middleton Fire Department in the Fight for Air Climb. The event is scheduled...
Award reflects businesses' consistently high level of customer service
Badger Basement Systems received three major awards at this year's Team Basement Systems Convention.
Visit our new display at Wisconsin's one-stop shop for home improvement!
Badger Basement Systems is here to help you prepare your basement during Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week
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